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Nerds That Conquer

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Nerds That Conquer Empty Nerds That Conquer

Post by Beyonder Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:11 am

Nerds That Conquer 26514010


Any and all statements here are provided from first-hand experiences with the said individual or group members, these comments/remarks are from an honest standpoint which will help you decide your verdict about if you want to be associated with them, everything stated is from as I said "First-Hand Experiences" these aren't "Stories" where individuals lie and manipulate one's own narrative about someone else on the internet as DBU has done with me.

The Founder

Roland Rex Astacio is a "Military guy" and a "Professional" Facebook debater who is "Respected" who self-claims to have the best "Debating Facebook Community" and thinks other groups should "adapted" to their methods/beliefs and that they are the chosen ones because "Facebook Invited" them to an event. (Despite millions of groups big or small having been invited.)

He is known debating I guess? Not much outside of this hobby to be quite honest.

The Group

This is their actual "Description" of the group.

Groups Descriptions wrote:We’re a debate group that specializes in private matches, cool debate mechanics, and amazing open threads. Some of the best debaters within the community are here. The group is all about fiction and proper discussion, join our small community and help us grow.

Let the keyword that Roland here quotes to quote state: "Some of the best debaters within the community are here." Now remember this when directing the verdict later on.

The Community

The group was created on August 25, 2016, and was originally called "Nerds Next Door" or N.N.D or with their January 18th, 2018 change to Roland That Conquers Stolen Ideas which was reverted back to Nerds that Conquer. (Foreshadowing much?)

The community "at" first may seem like they are "civil" and follow the group rules but with all wolves, in sheep's clothing, it's all a living facade, as if you guys haven't heard about my expose post for Death Battle Unrestricted most of the active members there are also in this community so you know bias/mistreatment is gonna take place along with admin/mod abuse.

Now mind you when I joined, I thought Roland changed but it was also a facade, he was ever biased as he is ignorant, he makes claims but can't back them up, he is slowly turning into the very person he has a "hatred" a man named Andrew Sosa, just for context/information these two had a feud in DBU and other communities where they would come at each other's throats, Andrew was a horrible MMA fighter (For more info: Andrew Sosa)  and as you are wondering Roland believed/thought he could help shape the already horrible conditions of "Facebook Debating" but when you recruit toxic individuals you get more toxicity.

It has about 5k+ members within it and is very low "Mildly" active despite what Roland even claims it to be otherwise. (Look at the Facebook Statistics and it will confirm my statement.)

Now as the rules state in his own community:
Their Rules wrote:
1. No insults, threats, or racism are allowed. Casual jokes/insults and use of the word "nigga" is allowed. Once it gets personal we will be involved.

2. Sexual content containing nudity of any kind is not allowed.

3. Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren't allowed. Partnered groups may post ads though.

4. Do not tag the admin for insignificant events that don't break the rules of the group.

5. We all have different opinions and this isn't the place for it. Keep it somewhere else.

6. You must get permission from someone if you intend to screenshot what they say. Only admin may do this without permission. If you don't want to seek permission or they won't grant it simply blur it.

7. Spoilers for films are not allowed. We generally provide a post to discuss labeled with "spoiler alert". Spoilers are fair game once the Blu-ray releases though.

8. You are not permitted to block admin or moderators in the group. If you have an issue with a mod we can make sure you interact with another mod instead. You cannot block them however.

9. We do not allow any kind of trolling in the group. Go find another bridge.

10. We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
Mind you he wants YOU to respect his rules but he won't respect the rules of other groups as I'll reveal in the next few points about him.

The Pros

None...literally no pros for this community that comes to mind given the history of the founder, his members, and overall his actions.

The Cons

  1. You are around toxic Facebook debaters who are shown to be psychological liars, stalkers, harassers, and slanderous personalities.
  2. You gotta keep doing "Private Debates" can't do "Open Threads" without being personally judged by a bunch of dudes online.
  3. Powerscaling is the primary method if you are a "Featist" you will be mocked by them.
  4. Personal harassment, mocking, and overall slander and they will not stop.
  5. They have a "Private" Group where they talk shit about you, screenshot your stuff, and make remarks about you as if you are less than them.
  6. They have a Private FB messenger/discord group as well where they the same thing as mentioned above.

If YOU thought you were gonna be in a community that actually promotes/provides/ positivity, creativity, and civil debating, you are sadly wrong, these guys are the worse if the worse given by the fact if you challenge one who insults you they "Tag" everyone else and goes on a "Lets meme this guy because he said this!" or "Let's stalk them and in any group slander them!"mentality

If YOU thought you were in a community where a founder is "Respectful" and upholds his own rules you are sadly mistaken because being "Disrespectful" by Roland standards is FAR more bannable than a bunch of dudes stalking/harassing you and your family. (Not joking, he borderline admitted this.)


It's simply is basically like Death Battle Unrestricted 2.0...if you expected a welcoming/honest/civil community full of people who will help educate you or make you better they won't they will bring you down to their level and it will make YOU look worse more than anything want me to explain?

Facebook debating is by far the worse type of community debating, these guys are more about "WE ARE RIGHT! YOU ARE WRONG!" mentality these are the type of individuals who will slander you, they don't care until/unless it happens back to them, they rely on their ganging up more than where they put their money where their mouth is and if you need an example well I'm the perfect example it's been since 2015 since these guys harassed me and in 2022 they still slander me to other people who I never met before.

Example 1: Roland and his goons state I run from "Private Debates" (They use "PD" for short) but yet when I say "Oh sure" and link my website they get butthurt and be like "Oooh nah! we gotta do it in a Neutral group." and mind you Roland himself declares/states quote on quotes say "No one likes me" and that I have "No friends" so by his own words and illogical statements...why would I when you state people have a prejudice against me? and what would make Facebook a platform of all things a "Neutral Ground" because if YOU are challenging me then don't I have the choice to pick the time/location of the debate since I'm a "Joke" it shouldn't matter since he claims to be one of if not the best debaters am I right?

Example 2: Asking for feats about characters is like telling them to "Fuck off" if you are like me and you want visual proof for a debate you will be "Laughed" at by a bunch of guys in a hobby that shouldn't be taken so seriously over fictional characters hence why I created this website to avoid such things.

This is not a group for any self-claim of professionalism or a neutral place to debate at all, you will be faced with double standards and hypocrisy, they will manipulate a debate to suit their "Judges" more than it is to educate others who read the debates.


Roland himself lies and claims I'm a racist and was posting racist content in Death Battle Unrestricted...if that was the case why would they have unbanned me if it was that sincere of a crime Roland? don't make sense...
Nerds That Conquer Roland11

Hmmm, there is an ALOT of Hypocrisy/Double-Standard the people who were harassing me and my family weren't banned despite them photoshopping pics of me when I was a minor over gay porn...calling me middle eastern/other slurs? and always harassing me and my family purposely...but oh no not to Roland but to him that's not "Disrespectful" or "Racist" when it's his homies this is the "Owner" of NTC aka Nerds that Conquer everyone!

When confronted I told him to "Prove It" and this was his entire response...

Nerds That Conquer Roland12

For a so-called revered facebook debater (LOL!) you can't provide evidence? yet you try to proclaim I run from a challenge but when the Burden of Proof is on you it's now "I dOnT hAvE tO pRoVe AnYtHiNg." when you make defamatory statements like this, yeah you GOT to provide evidence LMFAO, and what did he claim I said you are likely wondering?

Nerds That Conquer Roland13

That's a black man called another person the N-er word? does that logically work as racism?... but I forget this is DBU personal Roland where he is a "Highly Moral" (former at this time before he (Roland) claims "I was admin years ago ha loser brrrz" fallacies) admin and does no wrong. (LOLx2) this man is so delusional and so egotistical it's not even funny! it's sad!

Roland himself copies and pastes from a "Private group" that mocks people on Facebook whose "Opinions" don't match theirs and spread some nonsense that some loser said about me having autism promoting that "Anyone who says this must mean it's true." Again the fact he uploaded a screenshot that someone else said it in a private group where they have no balls to tag people they wanna talk shit about speaks VOLUMES and VALUE about him, his friends, and his lil FB Group.

Nerds That Conquer Roland10

As I mentioned above about Roland being delusional and egotistical...this man promoted his group inside another group where the founder helped him create NTC but had gotten NO activity no one was interested at all but yet he claims his group is this and that?...

Nerds That Conquer Roland14
Nerds That Conquer Roland15
Nerds That Conquer Roland16
Nerds That Conquer Roland17
Nerds That Conquer Roland18
Nerds That Conquer Roland19
Nerds That Conquer Roland20

How have you been advertising in a DIFFERENT group for 3 years, 6 months, and 6 days and yet have no comments? shares? oh and only one reaction?... if you gonna quote on quote state: "For anyone looking to get into a more competitive debating environment." actually show it instead of being a grown man getting hurt over fictional characters in a hobby like debating since online debating is about either giving or receiving knowledge, but its also about identifying what is and what isn't facts, you help promote the worse type of people and debating, you ROLAND sat there and enabled a bunch of online losers to target and harass others and clearly when the person is against your friends its a crime its pathetic.

Nerds That Conquer Roland21

Again...massive ego problems...he tries to advertise his Facebook Debating Community is "Mowing" down's not lol no one really cares it's a hobby, and yall take it like its a paying career when it isn't and even if it was it wouldn't excuse your behavior as a military man, a grown man, and a debater, this is why FB in the debating community is seen as a JOKE, you tried to post a link from Comicvine talking about you?...bro it's literally you on the website self-promoting LOL! If your community was the best you wouldn't need to say it but show it.

This is why I prefer debating on my website than on FB one is more professional than the other.
One is more public and puts your money where your mouth is than the other.
One doesn't screenshot/purposely mock people for their egos because someone doesn't agree with them.

Update: July 2nd, 2023

OH! BOY! Roland is back at it again proving what I am saying about him even more ladies and gentlemen!

Context: The screenshot below is someone else mentioning me and in which he tags Roland Astacio to the post in which ofcourse loving Toxicity/Me living Rent Free in his head he had to join in and then quit when confronted.

Nerds That Conquer Back10

Here comes Jussie smollett...I mean Roland Astacio responses!

Nerds That Conquer L11
Nerds That Conquer Roland22
Nerds That Conquer Roland23
Nerds That Conquer Roland24
Nerds That Conquer Roland25

Aaaand Roland further proves my previous statements about him!

My responses to his nonsense:

Screenshot 1: I don't run away and uh you had me banned multiple times by even begging an Admin to ban me from the group because you didn't like me exposing your shameless/inactive promotion (As provided above for everyone as well) and so by Rolands own double-standards here "Anyone co-signing is either a fool or just ignorant" sooo me and others can say the same about you right Roland? unless you wanna claim otherwise? Yikes this dude makes himself worse each time! so remember! if people friends or strangers defend you (aka co-signing) that makes you a fool or ignorant by Rolands "Standards" and he has the nerve to call other weirdos but shamelessly makes an account or had someone else make it to go on Comicvine to self-promote the group/himself as if anyone cared/asked? LOL! suuuure Roland! I'm the weirdo totally not you! (that's sarcasm if he didn't notice)

Screenshot 2: Kind of weird that he's mentioning someone else who isn't a part of the convo (Sosa is a weirdo that Roland has an obsession with.) but then contradicts himself and D-rides on Shawn?...make it make sense here for us Roland! so when you come in being a knight in shining armor for another dude it's not d-riding? Man I can't make this up about him.

Screenshot 3: Man contradicts himself LOL! Soooo you claimed in the next 4th screenshot that your group had gotten more "Activity" but yet you yourself aren't even as super active? That speaks again more volumes/value about your own group lol!

Screenshot 4: Makes a false claim and then calls me a angry coward? I never abused my power on my website this is his ignorance showing itself LOL! no one here can claim I ever abused my power in the most unlawful way possible as this "grown" man projects himself onto others because of his low showings.

always lose? story? get over myself? I got the proof from Death Battle Fury where you tagged the admins for a sob story of how I made you and a bunch of crybabies butthurt for years LOL! you even said you knew the admins soooo it's kinda like you just contradict yourself so much you forget your own bs and man stop projecting on yourself and get over YOURSELF because no one has a bigger EGO than you have on Facebook over a hobby LOL!

Clearly lying about the "Free advertisement" and uh "Activity" as you stated yourself that you are barely even in your own community debating soo again this is speaking VOLUMES of how much of a BS your own group is so thank you so much for proving what I say about NTC being a failed DBU! and notice how he says It's not just the "But seriously im done here" here part but it's also the "Going back and fourth between with a man child" and then saying "whose never had a actual match" while following up with "has run from every challenge thrown at him is a waste of time" is comedy gold coming from someone like him LOL! He claims Im a man-child but yet joins in a discussion that didn't actually involve him but takes aim at me? LOL! I had a lot of actual online debates but I don't waste time with wannabe Facebook debaters like you, sorry just not on my level, and if I run how come yall never joined? because @nathan1098 was someone who was believing I was an enemy but without any bs excuses as you made about "CoNtRol" and etc, Nathan here signed up and took up the challenge unlike you or your goons lmfao!  (just checked the members group is still at the 5k mark with it being at 5.3k members LOL! yeeeah you totally had a lot of new members/activity because of me huh Roland? 3 posts a day LOL what a joke!)

Screenshot 5: He comes back again to make this comment attempting to defend himself and his group! Bet if we had a debate about Dragonball and namely Goku I bet he wouldn't dare challenge me on my knowledge and he claims my statement is full of shit? My guy that's how you met your friends in Death Battle Unrestricted because if you were soooo Pro-Superman then they definitely wouldn't be your friend LOL! I can bet he believes Goku is on some imaginary level like Universe or Universe+ level but can't even prove it with actual feats just scaling/fan-made calcs!

So everyone can see this  clown doesn't know when to stop it seems if anyone mentions him he will reply but if the person retaliates as I do he will clearly use the "I'm done" and "Waste of time" excuse because if that's the case why continue drama with me Roland? just stop you are the reason why people dislike Facebook debaters and why people see the "Facebook Debating Community" as a toxic joke at the bottom of the barrel.

And for those asking about the comicvine mention:
Nerds That Conquer Comicv10

To Roland and his hating friends of toxic "Debaters"

Nerds That Conquer Roland10

I don't care about being banned from toxic debating communities that dislike others' opinions and no one cares it's a FB Group LOL people got actual lives than to sit here and care what a bunch of nobodies behind FAKE PFP or Fake Accounts think.

I don't care about yall feelings nor yall existence it's clearly all of you care more about me and my words to keep the drama going because if I am a "Joke" why acknowledge me on a daily?

I don't care if you guys feel as if DBU "Changed" (It hasn't multiple people messaged me they are the same just different admins.)

From late 2015 until now you guys put on these delusional masks and think the shit yall do is "Good" or that you guys aren't "Wrong" yall morals are so backward its saddening to see and I hope this post makes it a reality check because I am NOT afraid to expose any of you, grown-ass men, in yall mid-20s and early 30s for your bullshit so cry/whine about me it's just MORE and MORE Ammo to post online about you guys taking a hobby that is supposed to be civil and educational and turn it into a cesspool of pure toxicity/negativity.

Last edited by Beyonder on Mon Jul 03, 2023 6:22 am; edited 4 times in total

Age : 27
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Join Date : 2014-09-19
Location : Beyond Realm

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Nerds That Conquer Empty Re: Nerds That Conquer

Post by Guest Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:49 am

I have also been in many bad Facebook debating forums but none as bad as this one lol.

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Nerds That Conquer Empty Re: Nerds That Conquer

Post by Beyonder Sun Mar 13, 2022 11:01 pm

Mjorsa wrote:I have also been in many bad Facebook debating forums but none as bad as this one lol.
I find it funny they claim on FB they dont use Vsbattles wiki but yet use their terms and link their info.

Age : 27
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Nerds That Conquer Empty Re: Nerds That Conquer

Post by Guest Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:09 am

Lmfao i literally debated someone from vsbattles wiki on Facebook and they tried to tell me to read the profile even tho it's a different platform we were on with no vsbattles wiki rules. Yet he said he didn't want to continue if i didn't follow their rules even outside of their platform 😂😑

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Nerds That Conquer Empty Re: Nerds That Conquer

Post by Beyonder Thu Mar 17, 2022 6:53 am

Mjorsa wrote:Lmfao i literally debated someone from vsbattles wiki on Facebook and they tried to tell me to read the profile even tho it's a different platform we were on with no vsbattles wiki rules. Yet he said he didn't want to continue if i didn't follow their rules even outside of their platform 😂😑

Debating Dictatorship is pathetic.

Age : 27
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Location : Beyond Realm

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Nerds That Conquer Empty Re: Nerds That Conquer

Post by Beyonder Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:07 am

Nerds That Conquer Receiv20
LOL So Roland Rex Astacio is back at it again talking shit when some dude tagged him (I mean he does look like a cheerleader)

1. If I wasn't a debater how come you and your friends are evidently the most hypocritical wannabe debaters there are on "Facebook" and fantasy debating is about facts, not emotions as being objective is the fundamental primary status for debating which facebook debaters like yourself clearly lack 100% of the time.

2. I'm not constantly on "Facebook" we get it you are known for making false assumptions about others and manipulating the narrative as provided above and for your argument I'm on multiple websites doing my own thing while you believe in a fantasy land that your "Debating" group has any creditability outside of self-advertising on other websites to try to "manipulate" people into believing you and your members are non-toxic individuals.

3. Get banned/blocked/resort to disrespectful actions/play victim? You pretty much summed up you and your friends from Death Battle Unrestricted where you falsely made claims about me LMFAO! the slanderous trait is known about you since all you do is "Talk" and "Talk" you guys are soooo scared and cowardly to join a real website with a real platform to debate on so yeah, don't blame me when you and others "resort" to being disrespectful first and when I defend myself yall "cry" and say Im the problem lmfao.

What is a "constant dumpster fire" is seeing Facebook "Debaters" act like they can hang with other forums its pathetic enough yall are a cesspool of toxicity but yall are known for harassing/belittling/targetting people who don't agree with you over fantasy death battles so thanks for further evidence/valid points against you.

Age : 27
Posts : 5886
Join Date : 2014-09-19
Location : Beyond Realm

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Nerds That Conquer Empty Re: Nerds That Conquer

Post by Guest Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:08 am

How does all this evidence not just make them realize how stupid they are acting? I mean Roland reminds me of a guy on Facebook that belittled me as a person and mocked me for how I looked when i was a kid, and acted very toxic with me, belittling me first and when I responded to him asking why he belittled me he became angry and started spamming photos of me irl on a Facebook group (To be fair i got angry at him but who would blame me he was belittling me on a Facebook group, when i never even spoke with that guy). And he was supposed to be an adult?! 😒 What a fucking manchild, i asked him at least i have the balls to have my real face on Facebook and i have photos of myself with my family, while you are a lonly pathetic, loser who needs my profile picture that shows my real face when i was a kid (mind you which is creepy because i had newer pictures about myself, but he showed me that pic when i was a 12 year old?), he hides behind his GTA V profile picture and he calls himself a real man while he just has a weird god complex of thinking that they’re better than other people when he is not. He gets a lot of support from his Facebook Group members seemingly for no reason other than maybe because they like his toxic attitude or they just want to lick his fucking ass.

Another instance i had was when i was debating on another Facebook Group i gave an answer on who would win between The Spectre and Hajun, and i said that The Spectre would win due to having better feats and more power. I got fucking bombarded with insults from Indian lowlifes. “You’re stupid”, “You don’t know anything about Fictional Debating” and so on. When I’m right and showed them feats they laughed in my face and said that I should “Shut the fuck up!” and when i asked them what i did wrong other the providing evidence they said I should drop the subject (Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Cough cough VSBattles Wiki). What a fucking manchild 😂😂

Btw, i also remembered when i made a comic vs thread with Franklin Richards and Lucifer Morningstar, nobody answered my thread, i asked a staff “Why does nobody answer my thread?” He responded and said “Only anime waifu 🤮 battles get responses” Yeah you know we are a debating community but we only respond to anime waifu battles but you can make any battle here you want right?! 😒

What a fucking pathetic people.

Conclusion: There are many manchildren on the internet that need to grow the fuck up and get a fucking life.

I stopped Facebook debating. VSBattles Wiki is even worse.

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