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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Empty Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

Post by 345rv5 Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:40 am

Part 1 of Lies and Misinformation

Part 2 of the fanboy debunking .Let see our next list of commonly used arguments here by DBZtards.

9) Frieza is actually Multi Solar System level + to Galaxy level,maybe Universe level even

Yep just when you think DBZtards can't get any stupider, SSJRyu proves us wrong by trying to claim Frieza can survive Multi Solar System level attacks.  He claims that the explosion on Namek engulfed a portion of a galaxy because the anime overscaled the explosion.

Yeah that's some powerful levels of stupid right there.If the explosion on Namek blew up part of the Galaxy, why was there still the Namekian Solar System ?  Talk about grasping for straws and desperately attempting to inflate the power levels of DBZ.Even a novice in DBZ would know that Fireza being a Muilt Solar System buster is categorically bullshit.

The suns on Namek were not destroyed by the blast that blew up Namek so nice try there SSJRyu.However it's not uncommon for DBZtards to claim Fireza is Galaxy level  before Revival of F as DBZtards have shown their ability to lie and misinterpret anything in DBZ to push their agenda.

Tards claim Fireza is even Universe level because   he's feared by king Kai and the Kais who rule galaxies and  according to DBZtards, ruling something means you can destroy it with our bare hands. I mean Obama has the power to destroy the world with nukes, which means he can easily city bust with a punch right  ?

8)DBZ Galaxies> Real World Galaxies

Another common DBZtard argument is the  idea that DBZ galaxies are much bigger than our own because there are  4 of them which make up the observable Universe in DBZ

Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) 589902-07-036-a
The Living World is also called the Present World. To be frank, it means the vast universe. This universe is divided into four galaxies; other than that, it is known that there is a chaotic place called the Devil Realm somewhere in the universe. The sections known as the East-West-North-South Galaxies only utilize Kami as administration units, and the life forms who reside in the Living World are able to freely travel the galaxies. Of course, that is supposing they have the technology...

Incidentally, Earth, where SON Goku and his friends live, exists in the North Galaxy. The North Galaxy seems to have some of the most beautiful planets.

A gathering of local planets in the universe. Planets gather and form a nebula, and beyond that, a collection of gathered nebulae is called a galaxy. The four Kaiou who rule over the east, west, south, and north [sections] of the universe actually govern these galaxies. Because the Kami in the Heavenly Realm and the Kaiou supervise the galaxies that exist infinitely in all the universe, the sections known as the East, West, South, and North Galaxies are denominations that came into use through their duty.

infinite space housing all existing celestial bodies in the lower world . With the kingdom of demons , that's part of the great world in Dragon Ball. The Universe is in the hereafter and it is firm hermetiquent walls or are severe the mysterious drawings. On the inside of the Universe, four galaxies. Each of these galaxies is under the charge of a god. Earth is in the solar system in the galaxy North. There is a policy of the Universe. But she had no power against a Saiyan and Frieza.

Dragon Ball Z: The Anime Adventure Game describes each galaxy to be around the size of a normal one.

In fact, DBZtards shoot themselves in the foot with this argument.  if what is said is true, then the DBZverse is much smaller than our Universe.

However this claim contradicts the fact that Beerus and Whis have moved through several unnamed Galaxies in DBZ, i take the "4 Galaxies " only claim with a grain of salt given that claim is just contradictory and has shaking grounds to begin with,especially given the best thing support this claim is a map drawn massively out of scale.  

In fact this calc here further throw's this claim out of wack here.
Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) AFa62RS

It took Whis roughly 1 minute to fly the same distance, with his staff mind you. Here are the relevant scans:

If it took Whis 1 minute to cross the distance and Beerus 1 minute 20 then we can easily find Beerus' speed since we have Whis' speed already. And since we have concrete, canon time frames there should be no issue with this whatsoever. The very fact that Beerus is impatient and gave Whis a strict time frame means it is also fair to assume Whis was moving at his highest possible speed.

Pretty much all grounds covered, right?

60 seconds = 4,522,092,665 c
80 seconds = x

4,522,092,665*(60/80) = x

80 seconds = 3,391,569,498 c (as Beerus took 1/3rd more time. There is an inverse relationship)

3 billion times faster than the speed of light. Incontestable. However, it does sort of make sense and does not necessarily contradict anything. At no point did it mention Beerus needed Whis to travel to Kaio's planet, he's just extremely lazy so it'd make sense he wouldn't want to fly there himself. Plus it would no doubt get tiring. It also sort of alludes to the fact that Whis' staff itself is probably fueled by Whis' own ki, because it isn't exactly much faster than Beerus' own movement speed.

Using Beerus' Nebula (Non-Visible)

Willyvereb wrote:
If I assume Beers' nebula is about 20 light years wide which is reasonable then it needs to be circa 37,000 to 370,000 light years away to be invisible.
This only a lazy calc assuming 35 degrees (camera visuals), 1000 pixel picture height and 1 or 0.1 pixel apparent size of the unseen nebula.

Anyways, with this if Whis traveled this under a minute that'd roughly require 16 to 160 billion times FTL speed.
Which makes Beers about 12 to 120 billion times FTL.

So yeah, we actually no longer need that BoG feat at all.
If anything I like this more for the same reason others mentioned.
Whether canonical or not the use of the map was a bit iffy with the old calc.
A little addition from Will. The BoG numbers don't matter too much, the very fact that his Nebula clearly isn't visible means at a bare minimum Beerus crossed thousands of light years in minutes for fun.

Either way, DBZtards attempts to use this scale in an attempt to radically overplay the power level of characters or claim that  DBZ characters are much stronger than they actually are. They try to have it both ways and try to claim DBZverse is only 4 Galaxies yet  try to claim that their  Universe in the size of our own.  Either it's one or the other, pick one.
7)Beerus is a Universe buster
Another common fallacy amongst DBZtards is the reliance on Kaioshin Kai as an argument for Beerus being a Universe buster.This is largely done in a disingenuous attempt to wank DBZ and out them on par with Marvel and DC top tiers if not above because Deepry derrpy, the map says so right?  

Where do we begin with this argument here? Notice how everytime DBZtards bring up this argument, it's always using the DBZ map that's clearly not drawn to scale.

This shows the immense dishonesty of DBZtards.  Going by the size of the Kasohin realm here, it's clear it's nowhere near the size of the Observable Universe,After all it's smaller than the sun in the same scaling as everything else.
Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Debunking_Snakeway_being_universe_size
Yeah, right off the bat, the problems are pretty fucking obvious. The Observable Universe is 46 Billion Light years in Radius and 92 Billion Light Years in Diameter. That is the big line that's 433 Pixels long. Right off the bat, the distance between Namek and Earth's distance is directly contradicted by the manga.

Distance between Namek and Earth by DBZtard 2's logic (161 px) 34,207,852,193.99538 Light years

Yeah, this already is a major problem just going by my calc within the distance of Namek and Earth within my Superman vs Goku battle.

The most common argument from DBZ fans is the speed of the Sayain Space Pods and how King Kai was able to track the Sayain Space Pods to Earth used by Nappa and Vegeta, Bulma's Namekian spaceship and the one Dr Brief build for Goku to travel to Namek in under one week. This would be the measurement of Goku's true speed.

First the Sayain Space Pods used by Nappa and Vegeta.

According to Dragon Ball Wiki, Sayain Space Pods move at 3 light years per Hour. Doing some math into this,that means the Sayain Space pods are capable of moving over 26,841 times the speed of Light. If it took the Sayains less than a year to get to Earth, they were roughly 26,280 light years away from Earth when they heard about the Dragon Balls from Raditz prior to his death and Goku's.

To determine the estimated distance between Namek and Earth, we need to see how fast the Namekian Space Ship is.
Click to advance to the next page!Click to advance to the next page!Click to advance to the next page!

The Namekian spaceship manged to travel from Earth to Jupiter within a spilt second. The distance between Earth and Jupiter is 365 million miles. The speed of the Nameikan spaceship is 1962.37xFTL or 1,962 times the speed of light, only 1/12th the speed of the Sayain Space Pods overall.
Click to advance to the next page!Click to advance to the next page!

It took Bulma , Kririn and Gohan 37 days to get to Namek using the same spaceship that can travel to Jupiter within a second.

365,000,000 miles per secondx60 secondsx60 minutesx24 hoursx37 days=1,166,832,000,000,000 miles traveled

1,166,832,000,000,000 miles traveled/ 6 Trillion miles=194.4 Light years

Going by the speed of a Sayain's space pod, it would take only 2 days and from a space pod on the level to reach Namek.
Basically the DBZtard got a margin of error by 175,966,317.8703466 times.

The second problem is the size of Namek and Earth, another important aspect. Earth and Namek are 10 px in diameter's each, which is a big problem itself. Namek is stated being much bigger than Earth and actually proven to be 3,5 times bigger than Earth within this calc here.

Third, the size of Earth itself. If the Earth itself is 10 px out of 433px, that means Earth is about the size and mass of 2.3% of the Universe as well as Namek. That means by DBZtard logic, Earth isn't 12,500km's in diameter, it's 2 Billion light years or over 20,000 times larger than our Milky Way Galaxy, the same thing with Namek, Planet Vegeta and Planet Fireza. Already this attempt to get scaling from this map is look ridiculous.

Things however get really stupid when we take into account that King Kai's planet is scaled the same size as Earth, meaning just going by the scale, King Kai's planet is seemingly the size of planet Earth. Where do i even begin with this stupidity ? Oh right, showing a scale of the planet itself.

So apparently King Kai's planet is the size of Earth? Ignoring all logic and assuming spirits of the dead grow to planetary sizes, going by the scaling here, that means Goku would've went from being 5'9" to being 962.56km in height, in order words Goku would be half the size of the Moon. Yep going by DBZtard logic, people grow over 891641.5362731152 times larger in the other world than they do in real life.

And that's just going by Conservative estimates of the actual size of the Earth. Now let's see how absurd that looks in context to the attempt to scale Snake Way as being 1/4th of the Universe. That means by the DBZtards logic, Goku would not be 5'9", he would actually be 153,153,153.1531532 light-years tall or essentially that according to DBZtard 2's logic, Goku is 1,531 times the size of the Milky Way Galaxy. The immense levels of stupidity is just astonishing.

Another problem is that the DBZtard isn't even correct with his own wank . The size of Snake Way going by this moronic math isn't even 1/4th the size of the Universe, it's actually 37.5% the length of the Universe or over 1/3th the Universe so yeah this guy isn't even right with his own wank nor even bothered to scale the map himself and make sure his wank is even correct. In other words it's over 34 Billion Light years long.

But the nail in the coffin and crowning achievement of fail with this argument is King Yemma's Palace. Yeah apparently King Yemma's Palace is 11 Billion Light Years long, over 1/3th the size of Snakeway, which is why Goku can see Snakeway from King Kai's place, oh wait he couldn't. Also did Goku grow another Billion Light years ?

Overall this is by far the most desperate attempt to wank DBZ to date. It's like DBZtards realize how much they're verse isn't so invincible now that they're resorting to pathetic, desperate tricks like this. Now time to hit where it hurts with this argument.

Assuming we take this bullshit argument to face value that Snake Way is 1/3th the size of the Universe and Goku crossed it within
3 hours, that would make Goku nearly 3 Billion times the speed of light within the Sayain Saga alone.

So yeah relying on a out of scale map to judge Destructive Capacity is flat out disingenuous and just another example of the great lengths DBZtards go to  wank their own series. Beerus is nowhere near that powerful, deal with it.

Using their own Dragon Ball Wiki sources against them,while i don't particularly rely on Danshezuu or  Dragon Ball Wiki, they do and this alone refutes their wank.

Beerus usually uses his power to destroy planets, but he is strong enough to destroy entire solar systems with ease (as said by King Kai, who described Beerus' energy as like a 'freight train') and can even destroy entire galaxies, although this is enough to severely tire him out.

Beerus> Every other villain within the entire DB series and not even Beerus is said to be a Universe buster, hell he gets tired out from busting Galaxies.There is  over 200 Billion Galaxies within the Universe, if Beerus gets tired out from blowing up just a few Galaxies, he's not even 1/100,000,000,000th as strong enough to Universe bust.

6) Omega Shenron is a Universe Buster

One strong argument made to wank DBZ characters is the argument that Omega Shenron can bust the Universe based on claims of Old Kai. Once again this is one of the reasons claims are the most unreliable  forms of evidence is the fact people tend to misinterpret this to anything they want.

Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Omegadestroytheuniverv4ubs

If Black Shenron ( The power of Sym Shernon )needed a year just to Galaxy bust, then there is no way in hell Omega Shenron is a Universe buster.Let's look up the difference between the Black Star Dragon and Syn Shenron.

Black Smoke Shenron
Ultimate Shenron
According to Super Baby Vegeta 2, Ultimate Shenron's power exceeds his own (with Super Baby Vegeta 2 being superior to the likes of Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Majuub).[3]

In the "Hero Mode" of Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi, despite having been weakened by Piccolo and after being corrupted by negative energy; Ultimate Shenron possesses power above even Omega Shenron.

If we go by Ultimate Tenkaichi( Which is as canon as GT) Black Shenron or Ultimate Shenoron is easily stronger than Omgea Shnenron and even then, he's only a Galaxy buster at best.

Not to mention he's below Beerus who is Galaxy to Muilt Galaxy level at best.

5)Buuhan is a Universe Buster
Buuhan's claim is proven as Hyperbole. First of all the only area shown affected is Earth so that alone disproves your argument. Second of all you're argument is further disproved by the fact the reality collapsing doesn't even affect the Other World like even base Janemba's feat so that alone completely discredits your argument. At least Fusion reborn shown us parts of Hell and Heaven token over , this feat doesn't shown anywhere but earth affected. Third Kid Buu struggled to blow up galaxies, in fact in took Kid Buu at full power over  3 years to blow up just one Galaxy.   If you did the math correctly, at bare minimum, Buu would be 1,576,800 times below the level needed to Galaxy bust. At best Kid Buu is a Casual Multi Solar System buster to Nebula buster, he is nowhere near Universe busting. Buuhan at most is only 400 times the power level of Kid Buu which fails flat . 400 times Nebula buster level doesn't even bring you 1/1,000th the power to level  a Galaxy let alone  Universe bust so it's not supported by powerscaling either so the feat is entirely a dud and nothing more but Hyperbole from a desperate DBZtard.

Not to mention Beerus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Buuhan so even assuming this Filler feat hold any weight, it's negated by canon characters who are much stronger not even doing half of that power.

Yeah the dimensional walls argument isn't a valid argument for Universe busting. Again by that argument, every power that involves dimensional wall breaking is a "Universe level feat". I guess by your logic, Ichigo in Bleach is a Universal buster because his power is  "At a higher dimension".  

Just because there is Multiple Universes, doesn't mean there is a Multiverse buster, no one in DBZ remotely even comes close to Universe level let alone Multiverse tiers.

The My Little Pony has confirmed Multiverses both in the  comics and TV series, does that make them suddenly Multiverse ? Well they're at least stronger than most of DBZ up until BoG or GT going by my last post relating to DBZ and MLP at the very least.

. AT stated that Kai Planets, Afterlife and Mortal world are all part of one Universe.  if Buuhan was a threat to the entire Universe, there would be dimensional walls tearing within other planets within the mortal half of the Universe like  Namek and  tears throughout the Afterlife and each of the 4 Kai's planets as well as the Kaioshin realm, since Buuhan's wave only seems to affect Earth and it's backed by powerscaling and stronger villains like Bills showed nowhere near that level of claimed hype, the feat is entirely dismissed as Hyperbole.

4)Janemba is a Universe buster

One of the most over used arguments within DBZ fandom is that Janemba can destroy the Universe because he took up the eternity of the Afterlife and  Earth.This is a problem   for many reasons.

The Afterlife going by scaling is much smaller than the Observable Universe.Case and point, using the  same map DBZtards love to scale  things from, Snakeway takes up 1/4 the size of the Afterlife.Afterlife. Snakeway is only  1,000,000 km long so  the Afterlife is only 4,000,000 km wide . 4,000,000 km isn't even 1/1,000,000th of a  light year let alone 92 Billion Light Years wide.

Another problem  is that the reality warping didn't even affect all the 4 Kai planets and the Supreme kai planet . If  Janemba was Universe level, why was the only mortal world planet affected was Earth  ? Noi DBZtard can even prove that  Namek in the mortal world was affected, nor the other 3 Kai planets or the Supreme Kai world which would've at least lended credibility it can affect the Universe.

 Alot of  DBZtards like to claim just because    busted  a dimension, he must be Universe level.  By this logic Ichigo  is Universe buster  because he shattered a Kido that  crushes people with the " gravity of a black hole" and a power that  "transcends space and time". Yeah when i say it that way , you would think i sound like a dumbass right ?  Well that's exactly how they sound by bringing up this  argument. Here's a typical DBZtard trying to defend this argument.

This is getting boring, No they are not 1 universe, they are separate. Really keep up, and look where the check in station is, and look what happened when janemba warped it. The After life is the cosmos, The Mortal place is the Universe. 2 Different places, and Namek as i said millions of times is in the mortal world, not the after life. So time again and again you keep getting proven wrong.

Sorry buddy but Heaven and Hell never count as their own verse in fiction, nice try. Also if it was a Multiverse, Toryiama would've called it the DBZ Multiverse, not the DBZ Universe and isn't it you who go by author statements?  It's funny when you're  backed to a corner, you suddenly want to ignore what Toyriama says and play with definitions to desperately put forward you're own agenda. AT counted Hell, Heaven and  the Kai world as one Universe. It's confirmed by the fact that the map is called the DBZ Universe, not the DBZ Multiverse and further confirmed by Battle of Gods in which this is just one of 12 Universes similar to this own. In other words you're a moron desperate to make DBZ stronger than it actually is.
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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Empty Re: Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

Post by Beyonder Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:44 pm

I have to agree with this list 100% DBZ isnt the strongest its mostly Hype/wank/speculation by people who don't know how or want to debate because they can't if DBZ wasn't so inconsistent and designed poorly then maybe ill be back into it but I just cant be honestly it sucks now and the new wanking because of the new series is at a all time high people stating so much Bullsh*t around forums its not even funny.

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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Empty Re: Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

Post by 345rv5 Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:41 pm

Beyonder wrote:I have to agree with this list 100% DBZ isnt the strongest its mostly Hype/wank/speculation by people who don't know how or want to debate because they can't if DBZ wasn't so inconsistent and designed poorly then maybe ill be back into it but I just cant be honestly it sucks now and the new wanking because of the new series is at a all time high people stating so much Bullsh*t around forums its not even funny.

Hence why i made it, this is becoming a real problem with DBZtards polluting fourms with misinfromation, hell this word needs to be speard against them because i'm sick of their shit too.
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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Empty Re: Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

Post by Beyonder Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:44 pm

Some even think Whis can beat the Beyonder.....i swear the stupidity is extremely high when I read anything with DBZ > Marvel

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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Empty Re: Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

Post by 345rv5 Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:08 am

Beyonder wrote:Some even think Whis can beat the Beyonder.....i swear the stupidity is extremely high when I read anything with DBZ > Marvel

Even going by overall potential, Whis is massively outclassed by even Sailor Moon characters let alone Beyonder
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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Empty Re: Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

Post by Beyonder Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:10 am

Lol sailor moon has literal feats that place her above anything in DBZ.

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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Empty Re: Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

Post by 345rv5 Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:20 am

Beyonder wrote:Lol sailor moon has literal feats that place her above anything in DBZ.

Yeah even the anime alone has better feats than DBZ. i mean R season which is the second arc of Sialor Moon has Sailor Moon tanking 989G's and tanking a micro blackhole, hell a comnbined inner Senshi attack desotryed said blackhole.Mind you the combined output would put them above even most of the Buu Saga alone and note this was mid R season of the anime and the anime is much weaker than the manga verison.

In fact know any other places i can give out some of this information i wrote? It would help to arm people with knowledge of how to combat these tards.

Also i might make a respect thread for Anime and Manga Sailor Moon later.
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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Empty Re: Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

Post by Beyonder Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:51 am

Lol this is the best place because other places would ban you because people be having their feelings "Hurt" and would constantly/instantly report you.

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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Empty Re: Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

Post by 345rv5 Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:02 am

Beyonder wrote:Lol this is the best place because other places would ban you because people be having their feelings "Hurt" and would constantly/instantly report you.

I know right, such butthurt fanboys.Also you don't mind if i make a vs respect threard here as well.I plan to do one on Fiary Tail characters vs One Piece characters and one on Sailor Moon and DBZ, really to piss off fanboys but also to make some good arugments, calcs and points.
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Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4) Empty Re: Top 20 DBZtard lies and misinformation (9-4)

Post by Beyonder Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:07 am


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